Saturday, January 2, 2010

I'm Hungry!

Well, I am hungry...I am not used to "watching what I eat". I am following the "Body for Life" diet. I am eating a portion of protein and a portion of carbs at every meal and as many veggies as I want. I am to eat smaller meals, 6 times a day. This is very hard for me, but I am giving it the old college try. So far, so good. The wonderful thing about this plan is that I get one free day a week when I can eat whatever I want. That day for me will be Sunday, but I am not giving myself a free day tomorrow since I just started. Next Sunday will be my first free day. I have already been tempted today because Jacob and Haleigh wanted to go to Braum's for ice cream. I LOVE ice cream, but that is especially something that I need to cut out. The last time I had my cholesterol checked (over the summer), my cholesterol was ICE CREAM FOR ME! My "weigh-in day" is going to be on Saturdays. I am not going to obsess and weigh in every day, so I think once a week will work for me. Today is my starting date for weight, and I weighed in at a whopping 180 lbs. This is more than I weighed when I gave birth to my children at a full 9 months pregnant. That is scary!!!! So, to reach my goal for next year, I need to lose exactly 50 lbs. This is approx. 1 lb/week. I think that is very realistic for me. I guess we will see by next Saturday if I am making any progress! Mark and I are going to watch a movie in a little while, so I know I will be tempted again for sweets and popcorn. I guess I should pack some type of healthy snack...bummer!

I was going to read through the Bible alone, but we decided to make it a family event instead. I am excited about this. Last night we read our first passage in Genesis about creation. It is amazing what God did by speaking. We went to the children's science museum the other day, and we learned about the "big bang that was the beginning of time" on a 3D video thing. Haleigh leaned over and said, "OR, God created it all"! I agree with her!!!!

Today I am trying not to yell at my kids. We have been together A LOT during Christmas break, so this is a challenge ;) I have been trying instead to be patient. This is a challenge for me because I am not by nature a very patient person. This will be a work in progress, but so far today I have not yelled!

1 comment:

Erica said...

So...did you NOT yell?